Engineering Graphics

Engineering Graphics Internal Papers


Unit 1: Basics of lettering, dimensioning, constructions of polygons, Cycloidal Curves, Conic sections and Involutes.

1.1          Polygons

                1.1.1      Basics of Engineering Drawing and Question Bank.

                1.1.2      Solutions for Construction of Polygons.

1.2          Involutes

                1.2          Involutes Questions bank and solutions.

1.3          Cycloidal Curves

                1.3.1      Cycloidal Curves_ Question Bank

                1.3.2      Cycloid_ General Construction

                1.3.3      Cycloid_ Vertical Construction

                1.3.4      Cycloid_ Inclined Construction

                1.3.5      Epicycloid_ Construction

                1.3.6      Hypocycloid_ Construction

                1.3.7      Hypocycloid_ Straight Line_ Construction

1.4          Conics

                1.4.1      Conics_ Question Bank and Solutions

                1.4.2      Conics_ General Method

                1.4.3      Ellipse_ General Method

                1.4.4      Ellipse_ Arc of Circles Method

                1.4.5      Ellipse_ Concentric Circles Method (CCM)

                1.4.6      Ellipse_ Oblong Method

                1.4.7      Ellipse_ Parallelogram Method

                1.4.8      Ellipse_ Half by CCM+ Half by Oblong Method

                1.4.9      Parabola_ General Method

                1.4.10    Parabola_ Oblong Method

                1.4.11    Parabola_ Oblong_2 in 1

                1.4.12    Parabola_ Tangent Method

                1.4.13    Hyperbola_ General Method

                1.4.14    Hyperbola_ Arc of circles method (AOC)

                1.4.15    Rectangular Hyperbola_ Straight

                1.4.16    Rectangular Hyperbola_ Inclined

1.5          Scales

                1.5.1      Scales_ Questions Bank and Solutions

                1.5.2      Scales_ Theory

                1.5.3      Scales Problems and Solutions

1.6          Review Questions

                1.6.1      Review Questions and Solutions 1

                1.6.2      Review Questions and Solutions 2

Unit 2:  (i) Projections of Points (ii) Projections of Lines; (iii) Projections of Planes

2.1          Projections of Points

                2.1.1      Points_ Question bank and Solutions

                2.1.2      Points_ Concepts and Problems

2.2          Projections of Lines

                2.2.1      Lines_ Question bank and Solutions

                2.2.2      Lines_ Basic Concepts-1

                2.2.3      Lines_ Basic Concepts-2

                2.2.4      Lines_ Traces_ Model 1

                2.2.5      Lines_ Traces_ Model 2

2.3          Projections of Planes

                2.3.1      Planes_ Question bank and Solutions

                2.3.2      Planes_ Basic concepts

                2.3.3      Planes_ Concepts and Solutions

                2.3.4      Planes and lines Sample questions

Unit 3:  Projections of Solids

                3.1          Solids_ Question Bank and Solutions

                3.2          Solids_ Simple Positions

                3.3          Solids_ Three Stage Problems

Unit 4: Sections of Solids and development of surfaces

                4.1.1      Sections of Solids_ Question Bank

                4.1.2      Sections of Solids_ Solutions

                4.2.1      Development of Surfaces_ Question Bank

                4.2.2      Development of Surface_ Solutions

Unit 5: Isometric Drawings and Orthographic Conversions

5.1          Isometric Views and Projections

                5.1.1      Isometric Drawings_ Question bank

                5.1.2      Isometric Drawings_ Concepts

                5.1.3      Isometric Drawings_ Sample Problems

                5.1.4      Isometric Drawings_ Frustums

                5.1.5      Isometric Drawings_ Solids Combination

                5.1.6      Isometric Drawings_ Solutions

5.2          Orthographic Conversions

                5.2.1      Orthographic Conversions Basics

                5.2.2      Orthographic Conversions Rules

                5.2.3      Orthographic Conversions Exercises


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