With Effect From the Academic Year 2013-14

BIT 406



Instruction  per Week                                                                                                4 Periods
Duration of University Examination                                                                                     3 Hours
University Examination                                                                                              75 Marks
Sessional                                                                                                                     25 Marks


Introduction: Definition of Distributed Systems, Goals: Connecting Users and Resources, Transparency, Openness, Scalability, Hardware Concepts: Multiprocessors, Homogeneous Multicomputer systems, Heterogeneous Multicomputer systems, Software Concepts: Distributed Operating Systems, Network Operating Systems, Middleware, The client-server model: Clients and Servers, Application Layering, Client-Server Architectures.


Communication:Layered Protocols, Lower-Level Protocols, Transport Protocols, Higher-Level Protocols, Remote Procedure Call: Basic RPC Operation, Parameter Passing. Extended RPC Models, Remote Object Invocation: Distributed Objects, Binding a Client to an Object; Static verses Dynamic Remote Method Invocations, Parameter Passing, Message Oriented.

Communication: Persistence and synchronicity in Communication, Message-Oriented Transient Communication, Message-Oriented' Persistent Communication, Stream Oriented Communication: Support for Continuous Media, Streams and Quality of Service, Stream Synchronization.


Process: Threads: Introduction to Threads, Threads in Distributed Systems, Clients: user Interfaces, Client-Side Software for Distribution Transparency, Servers: General Design Issues, Object Servers, Software Agents: Software Agents in Distributed Systems, Agent Technology, Naming: Naming Entities: Names, Identifiers, and Address, Name Resolution, The Implementation of a Name System, Locating Mobile Entities: Naming verses Locating Entities, Simple Solutions, Home-Based Approaches, Hierarchical Approaches.


Distributed Object based Systems: CORBA: Overview of CORBA, Communication, Processes, Naming, Synchronization, Caching and Replication, Fault Tolerance, Security, Distributed COM: Overview of DCOM, Communication, Processes, Naming, Synchronization, Replication, Fault Tolerance, Security, GLOBE: Overview of GLOBE, Communication, Process, Naming, Synchronization, Replication, Fault Tolerance, Security, Comparison of COREA, DCOM, and Globe: Philosophy. Communication. Processes. Naming. Synchronization. Caching and Replication, Fault Tolerance. Security.


Distributed Multimedia Systems: Introduction. Characteristics of Multimedia Data. Quality of Service Management: Quality of Service negotiation. Admission Control. Resource Management: Resource Scheduling.


Suggested Reading:

  1. Andrew S. Tanenbaum and Van Steen "Distributed Systems" . PHI, 2nd Edition.
  2. Colouris G.. Dollimore Jean, Kindberg Tim, "Distributed Systems Concepts and Design". 3rd Edition Pearson education 2002.
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