BIT 382                                            WITH EFFECTFROM THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2012-2013



Instruction                                                                                                           3 Periods per week
Duration of University Examination                                                                   3Hours
University Examination                                                                                     50Marks
Sessional                                                                                                            25 Marks


1. Understating and using of commands likeifconfig,netstat, ping,arp,telenet, ftp,     finger,traceroute,whoisetc.
2. Implementationofconcurrent and iterative echo server using both connection and connectionlesssockets systemcalls.
3. Implementation of time anddaytime services using connectionorientedsockets systems calls.
5. Build a web server using sockets
6. Implementation ofremote commandexecutionusingsocketsystemcalls.
7. Demonstrate theuseof advanced socket system calls.
8. Demonstrate thenonblocking I/O.
9.Implementationofconcurrent chart server that allowscurrent logged inusersto communicate one with other.
10. Implementation of fileaccessusing RPC.
11. Build a concurrent multithreaded file transferserverusingthreads.
12. Implementation of DNS.


Suggested Reading:
1.Douglas E. Comer, “Hands-On Networking with Internet Technologies”.PearsonEducation.



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