EG 131



Instruction                                                                                                                                                                                          3  Periods per week

Duration of University Examination                                                                                                                                                      3  Hours

University Examination                                                                                                                                                                       50 Marks

Sessional                                                                                                                                                                                            25 Marks


The following are the objectves of the course :
   To enable the students to

■  learn the sound systems of English

■  understand word stress of English

■  participate in group discussions and debates

■  improve their presentation and participation skills

■  understand how interviews are conducted

Note :While teaching the following items, emphasis may be laid on intensive practice in the language lab. Lecturing may be avoided, as far as possible.

1.      Introduction to English Phonetics : Organs of Speech : the respiratory, articulatory and phonatory systems.

2.     Sound Systems of English : Phonetic sounds, introduction to International Phonetic Alphabet, classification and description of English phonetic           sounds; minimal pairs; The syllable

3.     Connected Speech : Strong forms, weak forms, contracted forms,ellision.

4.     Word Stress : Primary stress, secondary stress, functional stress, rules of word stress.

5.     Rhythm and Intonation : Introduction to rhythm and intonation.

6.     Presentation Skills : Making effective presentations, expressions which can be used in presentations, use of non-verbal communication, coping with stage fright, handling questions and answer session use of audio visual aids, power point presentations.

7.     Interview Skills : Planning and preparing for interviews, facing interviews confidently, use of suitable expressions during interviews.

8.       Group Discussion : Objectives of GD; Types of GD's Initiating, continuing and concluding a GD; Team work.

9.       Debate : Differences between a debate and a group discussion, essentials of a debate, paritipating in a debate.

10.  Public Speaking : Advantages of public speaking, essentials of an effective speech, rehearsal techniques, planning and delivering a speech, speaking strategies.

11. Role play : Use of dialogues in a variety of situations and settings.

12. Use of dictionary and thesaurus : Advantages of using a dictionary and thesaurus effective use of dictionary and thesaurus.

13. Listeninng activities

Lab Manual Recommended :

1. E.  Suresh  Kumar, A Handbook for English Language Laboratories (with CD) Revised edition, Cambridge University Press India Pvt. Ltd. 2014 

Books Recommended :

1.      T. Balasubramanian, A Text book of English Phonetics for Indian Students, Macmillan, 2008.

2.       Edgar Thorpe, Winning at Interviews, Pearson Education, 2006.

3.       J. Sethi et al, A Practical Course in English Pronunciation (with CD), Prentice Hall of India, 2005.

4.       Hari Mohan Prasad, How to Prepare for Group Discussions and Interviews, Tata McGraw Hill, 2006.



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