EG 101 UE



Instruction                                                                                                                                                                                          3  Periods per week

Duration of University Examination                                                                                                                                                      3  Hours

University Examination                                                                                                                                                                        75 Marks

Sessional                                                                                                                                                                                             25 Marks

The following are the objectives of the Course:

To enable the students to

  • Communicate clearly, accurately and appropriately
  • Know how to use verbal and non-verbal communication appropriately
  • Infer information from texts
  • Learn basic grammer of english language
  • Learn different models of interpersonal communication
  • Write reports, scientific papers, letters, statement of purpose, resume





Effective Communication : Role and importance of communication; Features of human communiction; Process of communication; Types of communication: Verbal - Formal versus informal communication, one way versus two-way communication; Non-verbal communication; Barriers to communication; 




Oral communication: Importance of oral communication; Importance of listening in effective communication.; Interpersonal Communication, Models of interpersonal development - Johari Window; Styles of communication, persuasion techniques.




Written Communication : Paragraph writing; precis writing, expansion, essay writing, Report writing; Types of reports, Writing technical reports; writing scientific papers; Communication through letters: official and personal letters, letters of complaint, letters of enquiry and responses, resume writing; cover letters, writing a statement of purpose, e-mail etiquette, mobile etiquette.




Remedial English : Common errors, words often confussed, tense and aspects, articles, prepositions, connectives and correlative conjuncts, voice, concord, direct and indirect speech, question tags, punctuation, homonyms, homophones, synonyms, antonyms, one-word substitutes; Idiomatic usage, degrees of comparision, affixes.




Reading comprehension, readinhg strategies.


The following five lessons are prescribed :

1.        Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam 


2.         Sathya Nadella


3.         Azim Premji.


4.         Sachin Tendulkar


5.    Sam Pitroda


Textbook Prescribed:

1. E. Suresh Kumar, Engineering English, Orient Blackswan, 2014


Suggested Reading :



1.         E. Suresh Kumar et al., Communication  Skills  and  Soft  Skills,


Pearson, 2011.


2.         Sanjay Kumar and Pushp Lata, Communication Skills, OUP, 2011


3.         Kavita Tyagi and Padma Misra, Professional Communication, PHI, 2011.


4.         Meenakshi Raman and Sangeeta Sharma, Technical Communication: Principles and Practice, OUP, 2011.


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